Hit the trail for a cause

West Coast trail run

‘Going for a run’ is exhilarating when lofty cliffs and the infinite ocean are the backdrops. All the more so when you’ll be one of the voices shouting for protection of our magnificent West Coast coastline from ruinous mining. So do sign up for a sensational trail run on 24 September 2023. Everyone is welcome: from slow coaches to speedsters.

During the run – which is organised by Run West in collaboration with Protect the West Coast – you’ll witness the immense destruction of coastal cliffs from previous mining operations.

Easy does it

The easy 10-km Euphorbia route starts eight sharp at the Strandfontein NSRI Station. After a 1 km climb through the town, you’ll drop down into a wildflower coastal Eden. Climb the cliffs and then cruise for 9 km towards Doringbaai. The finish line (and a fabulous lunch) await at Fryers Cove restaurant. Cost: R275.

Slightly tougher

Graded moderate, the 21-km Olifants trail kicks off at Papendorp. It then drops into a sheep trail connecting to the Olifants river’s marshy wetlands. Three kays later is the grand river mouth. From here it’s a 4-km trudge with grit and guile through wicked swaar sand. After a gentle cliff climb and four scenic kilometres, you’ll refuel at the Strandfontein NSRI station. The remaining 10 km is as per the Euphorbia route. Cost: R550.

Enter: www.runwest.co.za
Photo: Nicholas De Jesus