Getting a buzz


The good folk at Simply Bee in Hopefield have (quite rightly) been promoting bees as being among the most important insects to humans on earth. So, adopt a green conscience and visit the fascinating Bee Observation Centre at 31A Church Street.

The centre’s informative tours deconstruct and demystify the secret life of bees. Showcasing honey bees, their life cycle, honey-making process, plus the ins and outs of Simply Bee’s high standard of organic honey and propolis, this centre is a delight for young and old.

Observe two live bee colonies safely behind glass panels. You’ll discover what bees look like at different life stages, how they transform and their impressive work ethic. You’ll also get the low-down on bee reproduction, average lifespan, how they feed their young and their intricate communication processes.

Weather permitting, bookings can be made for live beekeeper demonstrations on practices, honey harvesting and tasting.

The world as a whole would be an entirely different place if bees didn’t exist. Just consider: bees are responsible for pollinating one-sixth of the flowering plant species worldwide and about 400 different agricultural plants.

Pre-booked groups are welcome and visitors may book picnic snack packs. Better yet, sit down to freshly baked scones, cakes, muffins and a good cuppa coffee or tea at the on-site coffee shop.

Afterwards, browse Simply Bee’s all-natural handmade products, free from chemicals, synthetic fragrances and parabens.

Open Mon – Fri: 9 – 5; Sat 9 – 4. Book: 022-7230569/